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Pet-Proofing your Holiday Decorations

Pet-Proofing your Holiday Decorations

The holidays are such a fun and exciting time, with one of the best parts being filling your home with festive and cheerful decor. We’re talking twinkling lights, colorful ornaments, and celebratory displays. But one thing to keep in mind this holiday season is how to pet-proof your decor. Our furry friends can be naturally curious when it comes to new smells, shiny objects, and new visuals. Unfortunately, many aspects of our decor can be hazardous to pets. Here are some tips on how to ensure the safety of your companions during this time.


Pick out pet-friendly decor

The obvious first step is to keep your pet in mind whenever you’re picking out new decorations for your home. You’ll want to look out for pet-friendly materials that are non-toxic and durable, preventing potential injury or ingestion by your pet. For example, opt for:


  • Shatterproof ornaments
  • Artificial plants
  • Plastic hooks

Put fragile decor out of reach

Unfortunately, not all our favorite adornments are considered pet safe. Ornaments, for example, are typically constructed using glass, ceramic, or crystal, which can be both alluring yet hazardous for our fur babies. Cats in particular are no stranger to climbing, making trees and their ornaments a potential danger.
Thus, when dressing up your tree, try to place the more fragile ornaments high up and out of reach from your pets. Even better, put your tree in an area that your cat or dog can’t access. When it comes to securing ornaments, you can utilize twist ties or secure fasteners as opposed to traditional ornament hooks for added security.

Skip the tinsel and ribbons

Tinsel and ribbons can give your home a festive flair, but they’re unfortunately super enticing for your four-legged friends. Cats may find tinsel particularly intriguing, however, accidental ingestion can lead to gastrointestinal problems and a potential emergency. Thus, if ribbons are your go-to décor, try out garlands that are made from pet-safe materials.

Choose a secure tree base

A lot of our pets are both climbers and explorers, making Christmas trees a very enticing activity. However, a wobbly Christmas tree can pose a major threat to your pet, so you’ll want to ensure it is secure to prevent tipping. A great way to stabilize your tree is using wire or fishing line to anchor it, allowing it to withstand any and all force from your pet. Even better, consider a pet gate around the tree or opt for a tabletop tree.

Opt for battery-operated candles

It’s no secret that candles are a hazard whether you have pets or not. But candles can be particularly festive around the holidays, bringing in warmth and charm into your home. To prevent an accident, use battery-operated candles. These types of candles will mimic real candles while avoiding the fire hazard.
If you still want to use real candles, make sure to keep them out of reach from your pets and always blow them out before leaving the room or house.

Keep edible decor away

Edible decor is a mainstay of Christmas decor, including things like gingerbread houses, candy canes, popcorn garlands, and more. We all know that our furry friends love to eat, making this type of decor particularly tempting for pets. Unfortunately, these treats can be dangerous and toxic, specifically chocolate.
You should avoid edible decorations if possible. If not, consider using faux versions of your favorite edible decor that are instead made of wood or plastic.

Limit access to certain rooms

One of the best ways to avoid potential accidents is to restrict your pet’s access altogether to certain rooms that are decked out. Pet or baby gates or closed doors can be very effective in maintaining a pet-free zone that houses more hazardous or fragile holiday setups.

Set boundaries with training and positive reinforcement

Even outside of the holiday season, training is important to having a well-behaved furry companion. When it comes to decor, utilizing positive reinforcement to teach commands like “leave it” or “stay” can make a big difference.


In summary, the holidays are a great way to spread love and cheer, specifically through the form of decor. But make sure to keep your pet in mind this season, ensuring their safety amongst a flurry of holiday decorations.

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