Daiwa Brain health
Our team of experts have worked tirelessly to bring you the best oil for brain function enhancement and protection that we’ve ever seen. It’s time to start selling the very best.

What Is Hokkaido Scallop Oil?
By harnessing the potent properties of Hokkaido Scallops, our team is able to provide a rare range of benefits your brains will adore.
Hokkaido Scallop Oil Plasmalogen (HSOP™) Benefits
Plasmalogens are phospholipids found in almost all of our tissues, and they are mostly concentrated in the brain and heart. HSOP™ is an antioxidant, which has an essential role related to memory and protection against aging. Their vinyl ether bond is crucial to brain function, and it can be difficult to source from an average diet.
How Does It Work?
This brain oil can be taken as a preventative supplement, daily booster, or recovery tool. The effects described below are not limited by age or health status — this brain fuel supplement is here to help us all.
Hokkaido Scallop Oil Plasmalogen (HSOP™) Benefits
This brain oil can be taken as a preventative supplement, daily booster, or recovery tool. The effects described below are not limited by age or health status — this brain fuel supplement is here to help us all.
Memory Loss Inhibition Effect
The neurological deterioration of the hippocampus, frontal lobe, and temporal lobe inhibit our ability to access information that has been stored previously. Plasmalogens are a vital resource that our bodies use to restore pathways beginning to die off from oxidation over time. So give your customers a boost with the brain fuel supplement that has been carefully designed to help our minds stay in control.

Anti-Amyloidogenic Effect
Your customer’s brain cells are constantly under pressure from oxidative stress. HSOP™ fights back against neuronal cell death while slowing down the neuroinflammation and accumulation of amyloid B*. Whether they’re battling against memory loss or trying to keep their cognitive function running smoothly, it’s time to provide them with access to brain cell support you can trust.

How Can We Help You
Improved Cognitive Function

No matter what their daily routine entails, we all feel pressure to perform. And there is nothing worse than being hampered by a foggy brain that just won’t comply with our needs. Our brain oil benefits will help your clients perform like never before, offering them a laser-like focus they can rely on.
Achieve Greater Memory

From business meetings to examinations, our memory is a vital tool used to achieve all tasks. Sadly, this particular brain function slows down over time and tends to be at its weakest when we’re exhausted. Now we can give your customer’s the helping hand that they need to flow with more clarity than ever before.
Prevent Damage

This supplement has great restorative effects while simultaneously providing protection from future issues. So, whether they’re trying to get ahead of memory loss or fight back against a demanding lifestyle, our scallop oil will aid their journey to greater cognitive health.

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It
Research is the cornerstone of our product creation process. Plasmalogens have been put through extensive animal studies and continue to prove their efficacy in aiding greater brain function.
Our Human Studies
A multi-centered, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial has shown statistically significant improvements in those that take 1mg of purified scallop plasminogen a day. With even the smallest dosage, test subjects showed greater memory retention and cognitive clarity on average across the board.