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Flu and the holidays: Natural remedies and prevention

Flu and the holidays: Natural remedies and prevention

Holidays are joyful, but flu season can be a damper. It is often mild but can lead to serious consequences.  Don't let the flu ruin your family's health and happiness this season. Take action now to protect yourself and your loved ones with the practical measures outlined in this article. 
How Hormones Affect Your Sleep Patterns

How Hormones Affect Your Sleep Patterns

Sleep is critical for mental and physical health, yet many people neglect it. This article discusses the impact of lack of sleep on hormone regulation and the role of hormones in sleep regulation.
Effects of Inflammation in the Body

Effects of Inflammation in the Body

A shift from short to long term inflammation causes changes in all tissues and organs, affecting the cell´s physiology. Furthermore, the impaired immune function increases the susceptibility to infections. Many health conditions have a known inflammatory component. Some of them are pretty common such as metabolic syndrome, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer´s, Parkinson’s, and depression.

Win the Post COVID-19 Fight!

Win the Post COVID-19 Fight!

We have been fighting COVID-19 for over a year. If you or a loved one has recently recovered from COVID, you may be interested in knowing how to strengthen your immune system to be prepared to fight against flu and other respiratory illnesses, as the flu season is almost upon us.
Gut Health and Immunity

Gut Health and Immunity

The vast number of commensal bacteria living inside the gut also help the immune system by competing with invaders for attachment sites and nutrients, and producing antimicrobial compounds that destroys pathogens. They also help educate the immune system from birth, thus teaching it to distinguish between commensals and intruders.
“How the Iris of the Eye Can Reveal Breast CA and Other Illness Risks" with Professor Serge Jurasunas, N.D., M.D.

“How the Iris of the Eye Can Reveal Breast CA and Other Illness Risks" with Professor Serge Jurasunas, N.D., M.D.

Dr. Jurasunas focuses his research and practice not only on detecting disease but also preventing it by enhancing the immune system. Natural killer (NK) cells are the body’s first defense against cancer and other diseases. These cells attach to the abnormal cell and produce a toxin that kills it within minutes. In the elderly and in patients with chronic illness, the NK cells perform with only 10-40% of their full capacity.


Scientific studies have shown that taking RBAC as a food supplement strengthens the immune system by improving the function of T and B lymphocytes and macrophages and most importantly, increasing NK cell activity. Research has also shown that RBAC significantly increases the ability of NK cells to bind to target cells or cells affected by disease. 

BRM4 - The Wonder of Rice Bran and Shiitake Mushroom Enzyme

A wonderful thing about BRM4 (Rice Bran Arabinoxylan Compound) is its all natural. It is a polysaccharide dietary fiber derived from rice bran, modified by Shiitake mushroom enzyme. In the video, Dr. Dan Kenner, PhD, L.Ac., with 30 years of clinical experience in Chinese, Japanese, and Naturopathic medicine, calls it “Smart Food,” because it either stimulates (in case of cancers) or suppresses (in case of autoimmune disorders) the NK cells activity, depending on what the body needs at the moment. It somehow knows exactly what the body needs.

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